AllWriters’ Successes
AllWriters' Acceptances, Awards & Publications
October 2020
AllWriters' student Jim Landwehr's memoir, Cretin Boy, was just accepted for publication by Burning Bulb Publishing!
September 2020
AllWriters' faculty member, Michael Giorgio's short story, The Numbers, is up on Potato Soup Journal!
AllWriters' coaching client Julie Boglisch's novel, Ghost Of A Memory, has been accepted by Rogue Phoenix Press! This will be Julie's 5th book!
August 2020
AllWriters' faculty member, Larina Warnock's poetry chapbook was a semifinalist in the Cutbank Chapbook Contest!
AllWriters' Once A Month Write-A-Book Workshop (Group #1) student Dale Ann Morgan's book-length memoir, String Too Short To Tie, has been accepted by Austin Macauley Publishers!
Coaching client Nancy Flinchbaugh's nonfiction book, Awakening: A Contemplative Primer on Learning to Sit, is a finalist in the Spirituality category of the International Book Awards!
Coaching client Ellen Schneider had a short story accepted in Electric Spec magazine!
July 2020
June 2020
AllWriters' faculty member, Michael Giorgio's poem, Darnella, has been accepted by Please See Me for their Summer 2020 issue.
May 2020
AllWriters' coaching client Nora Murray's first novel, Kingdom Come, has been accepted by Moonshine Cove Press!
April 2020
AllWriters' Thursday Night Young Writers' Workshop student Olivia Giorgio's article, Being a College Student with Autism During Covid-19, is available on Arches today!
Coaching client Julie Boglisch's book, Retrieval, from The Elifer Chronicles, was accepted for publication by Rogue Phoenix Press!
Coaching client Julie Boglisch's book, Demon's Call, from her Requiem of Stone series, was accepted for publication by Rogue Phoenix Press!
AllWriters' Thursday Night Young Writers' Workshop student Olivia Giorgio had her first poem accepted! Her poem will appear in The Voices Project on June 24th.
AllWriters' Founder and Director Kathie Giorgio's short story, If Audubon Studied Fathers, has been accepted by the Red Wheelbarrow Review!
Coaching client Nancy Flinchbaugh's article, My Spiritual Director Helps Me Listen to the Earth, has been accepted by Presence Journal, published by Spiritual Directors International!
Once-A-Month Write-A-Book Workshop #2 student (no, he's not the #2 student, but he's the second group of this class) Jeffrey Konkol's soon-to-be released novel, Citadel of the Fallen, is a finalist in the Maxy Awards in the Science Fiction & Fantasy division!
Coaching client Connie Chappell's book, Honeysuckle Blue Revenge, her fourth Wrenn Grayson mystery, is now available!
March 2020
AllWriters' Founder and Director Kathie Giorgio's poem, Social Distance, has been accepted to be included in The Voices Project for their presentation of reactions in poetry to the COVID-19 crisis.
AllWriters' student Jim Landwehr's poem, Roy, was accepted for publication in Pure Slush for their anthology on people's lives. Scheduled for release sometime in December.
Wednesday Night Workshop student Elisabeth Harrahy's poem, Even Now, has been accepted for publication by Third Wednesday: A Literary & Arts Journal. It will appear in the summer issue.
AllWriters' student Kathrine Yets' poem, Katy Perry Don't Stop, has been accepted into Woman Scream Anthology!
Wednesday Night Workshop student Elisabeth Harrahy's poem, She Went The Distance, has been accepted by the Boston Literary Magazine and will be out in the March issue!
AllWriters' Founder and Director Kathie Giorgio's short story, What She Did, is going to be featured during National Women's Month at Al-Khemia Poetica!
AllWriters' student Jim Landwehr's poem, Past Imperfect, were accepted for publication in English and Chinese for the next issue of Poetry Hall Bilingual Journal.
AllWriters' student Jim Landwehr's poem, Thirty-Six Hours, were accepted for publication in English and Chinese for the next issue of Poetry Hall Bilingual Journal.
AllWriters' student Kathrine Yets' poem, Weed Of My Loins, has been accepted by The Blue Nib!
February 2020
Coaching client Eva Lomski is one of the 25 writers longlisted in the 2020 Mogford Prize!
AllWriters' faculty member Shaindel Beers is a finalist in the Oregon Book Award!
Coaching client Nancy Jorgensen's essay, Confidential: Open In Ten Years, is up in Headline Poetry & Press!
Coaching client Nancy Flinchbaugh's book, Awakening: A Contemplative Primer on Learning to Sit, has been accepted for publishing by Higher Ground Books and Media.
On-Site Tuesday Night Book-Writing Workshop student Susan Martell Huebner's poem, Let's, was accepted for March publication in Snapdragon: A Journal of Art and Healing.
AllWriters' student Kathrine Yets' poem, Avoidance, is up at Work Literary Magazine!
AllWriters' student Jim Landwehr's nonfiction story, Losing my Cool, was accepted for publication in Portage Magazine, a fine publication put out by Carroll University.
Coaching client Steven D Searls, whose first novel was recently accepted, has now had his short story, The Woman In The Car, accepted by Ariel Chart!
January 2020
AllWriters' Founder and Director Kathie Giorgio's poem, Harvest Moon, has been accepted to be a part of the Poetry Leaves exhibition in Waterford, Michigan this spring, and will also be a part of the published anthology.
December 2019
AllWriters' student Jim Landwehr's had a poem accepted at Your Daily appear on Christmas Day!
Wednesday Night Workshop student Elisabeth Harrahy's poem, I'm Not Much Fun At Cocktail Parties Anymore, has been accepted by Mobius - The Journal of Social Change!
AllWriters' 2019 New Year's Resolution Write-A-Book Workshop student Jeffrey Konkol's novel, Citadel of the Fallen, has been accepted for publication by Black Rose Writing!
AllWriters' coaching client William Mathis won first place in the Chicago Writer's Association First Chapter Contest with his novel, Revenge is Necessary!
AllWriters' Thursday Night Young Writers' Workshop student Olivia Giorgio's first ever professionally published article and personal memoir is in the latest issue of Arches, the official magazine of Mount Mary University. It's complete with a full-page photo of Olivia, and also includes photos of her artwork.
November 2019
Online Monday Night Fiction/NonFiction Writers Workshop student Alice Benson's essay, Journey With My Father, is up now in the online magazine Turnpike!
AllWriters' Founder and Director Kathie Giorgio's poem, Crickets, published in this month's issue of Poetic Diversity, has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize!
AllWriters' students Nancy Jorgensen and Elizabeth Jorgensen's book, Go, Gwen, Go!, has been selected to appear on the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel's 82 New Books For Holiday Giving list!
AllWriters' Founder and Director Kathie Giorgio's novel, If You Tame Me, has been selected to appear on the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel's 82 New Books For Holiday Giving list!
AllWriters' Founder and Director Kathie Giorgio's full-length collection of poetry, No Matter Which Way You Look, There Is More To See, has been accepted by Finishing Line Press!
AllWriters' Founder and Director Kathie Giorgio's novel, If You Tame Me, won 2nd place in the PenCraft Literary Awards competition, in the women's fiction division.
AllWriters' Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student Barbara Ann Geiger's memoir, Paddle With A Purpose, won first place in the PenCraft Literary Awards competition, in the memoir division!
AllWriters' coaching client William Mathis won runner up with his novel, The Rooming House Diaries; Life, Love & Secrets, won runner-up in the PenCraft Literary Awards competition, in the historical fiction division!
AllWriters' coaching client Steven D Searls has signed a contract with Black Rose Writing to publish his first novel, My Travels With A Dead Man!
AllWriters' faculty member Shaindel Beers' full-length poetry book, Secure Your Own Mask, has won a spot on the 2018 Woodrow Hall Top Shelf Award!
October 2019
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' student Nancy Jorgensen's flash essay, Write Around The Mulberry Bush, is up at Ruminate!
Wednesday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's poem, Trout Fishing in the Driftless Area, was accepted for publication in the upcoming issue of Synkroniciti Magazine.
Wednesday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's poem, Boundary Waters, was accepted for publication in the upcoming issue of Synkroniciti Magazine.
Wednesday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's poem, Docked II, was accepted for publication in the upcoming issue of Synkroniciti Magazine.
On-Site Monday Night Workshop student Julia Nusbaum's short story, How to Be Haunted, has been accepted into the October issue of Pussy Magic Magazine!
AllWriters' Founder and Director Kathie Giorgio's short story, This Is How It Happens, which also doubles as a chapter in my current novel-in-progress, has been accepted by Minerva Rising, for their themed issue on Relationships, Sexuality, and Desire.
AllWriters' coaching client Nancy Flinchbaugh's article, Revelations at the Labyrinth, was accepted for publication in the United Methodist publication, Christian Living in the Mature Years Magazine, for Fall 2020.
Wednesday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's poem, Distant Perspective, was accepted for publication by Bramble Lit Mag for their fall issue with the theme of black holes and lacunae.
September 2019
Wednesday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's new poetry book, Thoughts From a Line at the DMV, is available now from Kelsay Books!
Online Monday Night Fiction/NonFiction Workshop student Alice Benson's flash fiction story, Clarity, has been published and is now up on The Drabble's website!
AllWriters' Founder and Director Kathie Giorgio was invited to write an article for Milwaukee Magazine on how to fight writer's block.
AllWriters' Founder and Director Kathie Giorgio's short story, The Dead Woman's New Clothes, has been accepted by SPANK the CARP!
August 2019
In this week's On-Site Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop, Nancy Jorgensen presented her essay, The Whole Biscuit. After the workshop, she submitted it to Fido Friendly Magazine. In a few hours,they accepted it and asked if they could publish it immediately on their blog. Fastest woohoo ever!
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writer's Workshop student Kathrine Yets has sold her first chapbook! The Animal Within has been accepted by Unsolicited Press for a 2021 release!
Wednesday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's poem, Unqualified, received an honorable mention in The Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters contest!
Wednesday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's nonfiction story, Rust Never Sleeps, was accepted for publication in Coexistence!
Wednesday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's poem, Gimme Shelter, was accepted for publication in Coexistence!
AllWriters' Founder and Director Kathie Giorgio's poem, Signs, has been accepted by the Main Street Rag Publishing Company for their anthology on the theme of Show Me Your Papers!
Wednesday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's poem, Unqualified, has been nominated by Cirrus Poetry Review, for inclusion in the Best of the Net anthology.
AllWriters' coaching client Sharon Grosh's novel, Lazarus Rising, has been accepted by Black Rose Writing!
July 2019
On-Site Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student Nancy Jorgensen's microfiction story (teeny tiny fiction), Improbable Harlequin, is up today at the Voices Project!
Faculty member Larina Warnock's flash fiction story, A Cure For Spring, has been accepted for publication and will appear in the next issue of All Worlds Wayfarer!
AllWriters' Founder and Director Kathie Giorgio's poem, Crickets, was accepted by Poetic Diversity!
AllWriters' Founder and Director Kathie Giorgio's poem, Faith, was accepted by Poetic Diversity!
AllWriters' Founder and Director Kathie Giorgio's poem, Rental, was accepted by Poetic Diversity!
2019 New Year's Resolution Write-A-Book Workshop student Nona Shrader's short memoir, Mountain Graves, will be published in Month To Years magazine!
On-site Wednesday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's chapbook, Fatherhood, was selected as an honorable mention by Local Gems Press for their NaPoWriMo chapbook contest!
June 2019
On-site Wednesday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's poem, Wrong Place, will be part of The Skinny Poetry Journal Anthology from Cherry Castle Publishing due out in November.
On-site Wednesday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's poem, No You're Not, was accepted for publication in the We Are Beat, National Beat Poetry Festival Anthology by Local Gems Press.
Coaching client Connie Chappell was honored on the floor of the Ohio House of Representatives for developing her talent of expression, for her recent mystery release, Lily White Lie, and for her previous works!
Coaching client Judy Haselhoef's short memoir, Minding My Meditation Cushion - Waiting For Enlightenment, has been accepted by Story Pub!
AllWriters' faculty member, Michael Giorgio's story, A Permanent Resolution Of A Hopeless Cause, has been accepted by the 42 Stories Anthology, Category: Trapped.
AllWriters' Founder and Director Kathie Giorgio's poem, Daughter Washing Car, has been accepted by Voice of Eve literary journal.
AllWriters' Founder and Director Kathie Giorgio's poem, Afterglow, has been accepted by Voice of Eve literary journal.
AllWriters' Founder and Director Kathie Giorgio's poem, On The Side Of The Road, has been accepted by Voice of Eve literary journal.
AllWriters' Founder and Director Kathie Giorgio's poem, Comma, has been accepted by Light Journal for their summer issue on theme of Focus!
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student Nancy Jorgensen was asked to offer a writing tip for the Writers Helping Writers website!
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student Nancy Jorgensen's craft essay, How I Caught A Publisher Unexpectedly, is on Jane Friedman's site.
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student Nancy Jorgensen's poems are appearing now in the Skinny Poetry Journal!
May 2019
On-site Wednesday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's poem, Queen, which is about fishing with his daughter, was accepted for publication by Sewer Lid.
On-site Wednesday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's poem, Ice Charades, for publication by Your Daily Poem.
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student Nancy Jorgensen's craft essay, Magic Formula for Better Manuscripts, about the writer/co-writer/editor relationship she has with her daughter Lyza Jo (Elizabeth Jorgensen, also an AllWriters' writer), has been accepted by the top-rated writer website, Write It Sideways.
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student Nancy Jorgensen's essay, On Contests, Near Death and Obsessions, won 2nd place in the Lakefly Writers Conference Essay Contest (theme was family).
On-Site Tuesday Night Book-Writing Workshop student Susan Martell Huebner's essay, At the Lot Line (which began as a prose poem in the Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop) has been accepted by Wising Up Press for their upcoming anthology, Re-Creating The Common Chord!
AllWriters' coaching client Judy Haselhoef was accepted in Wising Up Press's newest anthology called Re-Creating The Common Chord.
Coaching client, Online Thursday Night Book-Writing Workshop student, On-Site Once-A-Month Write-A-Book Workshop student Jackie Mellem's short memoir, The Journey Home, is up on StoryPub!
Online Monday Night Fiction/NonFiction Workshop student and coaching client Alice Benson's SECOND novel, A Year in Her Life, is available to purchase now, from Black Rose Publishing!
Online Monday Night Fiction/NonFiction Workshop student Karen Cutler Drecktrah's short story is going to be recorded for the radio show, Our American Stories, on NPR!
Former coaching client and Online Thursday Night Book-Writing Workshop student Douglas Burton's novel, Far Away Bird, won best unpublished manuscript from the Writers League of Texas!
On-site Wednesday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's poem, Wrong Place, was accepted by The Skinny Poetry Journal!
A big woohoo! Congratulations to Online Thursday Night Book-Writing Workshop student Julie Beekman, whose book-length memoir won first place in the Best Nonfiction category of the Maxy Awards!
April 2019
On-site Wednesday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's poem, The Collision of Philosophy and Poetry, was selected for publication in Issue #4 of Poetry Hall. This publication is a bilingual quarterly journal and is translated to Chinese and distributed on Amazon and worldwide.
Wednesday Night Workshop student Elisabeth Harrahy's poem, You Go On Ahead, I'll Wait Here, was accepted for publication in Bramble literary magazine!
Wednesday Night Workshop student Elisabeth Harrahy's poem, How It Starts, was accepted for publication in Bramble literary magazine!
Coaching client Jackie Ann Schwabe's article, But...She Said Bird!, is the cover story in Exceptional Parent Magazine!
On-Site Monday Night student Jim Landwehr's poem, Quiet One, was accepted for publication in the Poets to Come publication honoring Walt Whitman's 200th birthday.
AllWriters' Founder and Director Kathie Giorgio's poem, In The Therapist's Office, has been accepted by The Awakenings Review for its 2019 issue.
AllWriters' Founder and Director Kathie Giorgio's poem, When Grief Makes A Meal, has been accepted by The Awakenings Review for its 2019 issue.
AllWriters' Founder and Director Kathie Giorgio's poem, Yellow, has been accepted by The Awakenings Review for its 2019 issue.
AllWriters' Founder and Director Kathie Giorgio's poem, In The Prison Art & Gift Gallery, has been accepted by The Awakenings Review for its 2019 issue.
March 2019
On-Site Monday Night student Jim Landwehr's poem, Sputtering, was accepted by Postcard Poems and Prose Magazine.
Coaching client Eva Lomski's short story, Cloisters, now up on Hawaii Pacific Review!
An AllWriters' woohoo for Michael Giorgio! Michael Giorgio's third novel, A Week Of Criminal Happiness, has been accepted by Rogue Phoenix Press!
AllWriters' coaching client Greta Meier has signed a 2-book contract with Harper-Voyager, with her novel, Frozen Crown!
AllWriters' faculty Michael Giorgio's short memoir, Geometric Rhapsody, has been accepted by The Story Pub!
AllWriters' faculty member, Lisa Marie Auter's poem, If This Was Just About Hate, will be published in the next issue of Painted Bride Quarterly!
AllWriters' faculty member, Lisa Marie Auter's poem, The Empty Fianceé, will be published in the next issue of Painted Bride Quarterly!
Coaching client Eva Lomski's short story, Cloisters, has been accepted for publication by Hawaii Pacific Literary Review!
February 2019
On-Site Monday Night student Jim Landwehr's poetry collection, Thoughts From A Line At The DMV, has been accepted by Kelsay Books!
Wednesday Night Workshop student Kathrine Yets' poem has been accepted by Portage Magazine.
On-Site Monday Night student Jim Landwehr's poem, Flattened, was accepted for publication in Tiny Spoon literary magazine.
AllWriters' Founder and Director Kathie Giorgio will be one of 31 "women of worth" whose work will be showcased on Marie C Lecrivain's poetry blog this March to celebrate National Women's History Month. The work selected is her poem, Sex After Breast Cancer, and it will appear on March 20th.
On-Site Monday Night student Jim Landwehr's poem, A Drop In The Bucket, will be published in Rosebud Magazine. It will be in the June 2019 issue.
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student Anne Lehman's poem, The Mist, has been accepted for the Wisconsin Fellowship of Poets 2020 calendar!
On-Site Monday Night student Jim Landwehr's poem, Huffy, has been accepted for the Wisconsin Fellowship of Poets 2020 calendar!
On-Site Monday Night student Jim Landwehr's poem, Coffee For Two, has been accepted by Green Light for their Valentine edition!
Online Monday Night Fiction/NonFiction Workshop student Rhea Benbow Thomas's story, The Worrymajig, was accepted by Beneath The Rainbow!
Wednesday Night Workshop student Kathrine Yets' poems, Seagulls, will be in the Wisconsin Fellowship of Poets 2020 calendar.
Wednesday Night Workshop student Kathrine Yets' poem, Skinny Dipping In Ottawa, will be in Magnum Opus!
AllWriters' Founder and Director Kathie Giorgio's poem, The Drive From Sedona To The Grand Canyon, has been accepted for the Wisconsin Fellowship of Poets 2020 calendar!
Tuesday Night Book-Writing Workshop student Susan Martell Huebner's poem, Leaning Into The Solstice, has been accepted for the Wisconsin Fellowship of Poets 2020 calendar!
On-Site Monday Night student Jim Landwehr's nonfiction short story was accepted by StoryNews as part of a collection of stories that spur positive dialog about contemporary problems.
On-Site Monday Night student Jim Landwehr's poem, Car Hunting in America, was accepted for an anthology titled Universal Oneness, published by Authorspress India of New Dehli.
AllWriters' Founder and Director Kathie Giorgio's 10th book (5th novel), titled If You Tame Me, has been accepted for publication by, Black Rose Writing.
January 2019
Coaching client Julie Boglisch's novel, Demon's Song, has been accepted for publication by Rogue Phoenix Press! This is Julie's third book, but the first with this publisher!
On-Site Monday Night student Jim Landwehr's poem, Heaven, was accepted for publication on Your Daily Poem.
On-Site Monday Night student Jim Landwehr's poem, Unqualified, was accepted for publication today by Cirrus Poetry Review. It will be published on January 19th.
On-Site Monday Night student Jim Landwehr's poem, Room For Crazy?, was accepted for publication in the inaugural issue of from the edge poetry magazine.
On-Site Monday Night student Jim Landwehr received an Honorable Mention for the 2018 Door County Hal Prize for his nonfiction story, Rust Never Sleeps.
On-Site Monday Night student Jim Landwehr's flash fiction piece about Spunkles the Clown was accepted for publication in the 42 Word Stories Anthology.
December 2018
On-Site Tuesday Night Book-Writing Workshop student Susan Martell Huebner's poem, It was envy back then, was accepted in Pure Slush!
On-Site Monday Night student Jim Landwehr's flash fiction piece about Spunkles the Clown was just accepted for publication in the 42 Word Stories Anthology.
On-Site Monday Night student Jim Landwehr's poem, Drop In The Bucket, was just accepted for publication in Bramble Lit Mag.
Coaching client and Online Monday Night Fiction/NonFiction Workshop student Alice Benson signed a contract with Black Rose Writing to publish her second novel. It will be out in July 2019.
AllWriters' Founder and Director Kathie Giorgio's poem, Feast, has been accepted for Cliterature Journal's special 50th issue anthology! It will be released later this month.
November 2018
Coaching client William Mathis' second novel, The Rooming House Diaries; Life, Love & Secrets, has been accepted by Rogue Phoenix Press!
AllWriters' students and coaching clients, Nancy Jorgensen and Lyza Jo (Elizabeth Jorgensen) have sold their book on their daughter and sister Gwen Jorgensen, the Olympic gold medalist triathlete from Waukesha, to Meyer & Meyer, a major publisher located in Germany, with US distributors!
October 2018
Coaching client Kevin Creager's first novel, The Body On The Roof, has been accepted by Black Rose Writing!
Faculty Member Summer Hanford's new Marriage Maker novella, Dreaming of a Gentleman, was released by Scarsdale Publishing.
AllWriters' Founder and Director Kathie Giorgio's book, Today's Moment Of Happiness Despite The News, was released by Black Rose Writing and hit the #1 Amazon bestseller on Kindle in the Biographies & Memoirs > Memoirs category and the Biographies & Memoirs > Leaders & Notable People category!
On-Site Monday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's poem, Summer 1972, has been accepted for publication in the Ariel Anthology No. 5!
Faculty Member Summer Hanford's second Under the Shadow of the Marquess novel, The Duke's Widow, was released by Scarsdale Publishing.
Coaching client Judy Haselhoef's essay, Lying In Bed, has been accepted by Evening Street Review!
September 2018
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student and Online Continuing Instruction In Poetry student Colleen June Glatzel's poem, Halcyon/Imbroglio, has been accepted by 5th Wall Press!
On-Site Monday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's story, Boyz2men, was just accepted for publication in The Waif Project for their issue on the subject of Leaving.
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers Workshop student Colleen June Glatzel's poem, Bleeding Acrylic, was just accepted by TreeHouse Arts!
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers Workshop student Colleen June Glatzel's poems, Marrow, was just accepted by TreeHouse Arts!
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers Workshop student Colleen June Glatzel's poems, Space, was just accepted by TreeHouse Arts!
Coaching client Nancy Jorgensen's micro fiction, Muddy Perfection, was published today at Crack The Spine!
Letters From The Earth, published by Higher Ground Books & Media, will be released this week! Written (and experienced!) by coaching client Nancy Flinchbaugh!
AllWriters' faculty member Lisa Marie Auter's poem, Cleave, has been accepted by Artful Dodge!
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop Student Diane Altwies-Valentine's poem, Child's Lament, has been accepted by Voice Of Eve!
Coaching client Nancy Jorgensen's flash nonfiction, Water, Water Everywhere: Postcard from Up North, is up at Cagibi!
Coaching client Judy Haselhoef's travel memoir, Feeding the Soul, was published by HerStory.
Faculty Member Summer Hanford's Marriage Maker novella, Rake Ruiner, was released by Scarsdale Publishing.
August 2018
Coaching client Jackie Ann Schwabe has yet another article up in Exceptional Parent Magazine!
On-Site Monday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's poem, Talking Around The Problem, was accepted for publication by Rising Phoenix Press for their Disarm issue.
Coaching client and Online Monday Night Fiction/NonFiction Workshop student Alice Benson's fabulous essay, My Travels With Christianity, is up at Talking Soup!
July 2018
AllWriters' Founder and Director Kathie Giorgio's poem, Woman Of An Age, has been accepted by the Gyroscope Review!
Coaching client Jackie Ann Schwabe lands another cnf piece in Exceptional Parent!
Coaching client Nancy Flinchbaugh's collection of essays, Letters From The Earth, has been accepted by Higher Ground Books & Media!
On-site Monday Night Workshop student Kathrine Yets has won the Jade Ring in the Wisconsin Writers' Association Jade Ring contest in the poetry division for her poem, Plath's Birthday!
June 2018
Coaching client Connie Chappell's book, Lily White Lie, her third Wrenn Grayson mystery and her fifth book overall with Black Rose Writing, is now available!
AllWriters' faculty member Lisa Marie Auter's poem, Memory Speaks in Tongues, is out in the Shot Glass Journal!
Wednesday Night Workshop student Elisabeth Harrahy received an honorable mention in poetry in the Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters annual fiction and poetry contest!
A three-peat (meaning she's won three years in a row), Online Monday Night Fiction/NonFiction Workshop student Karen Karen Cutler Drecktrah won first place in fiction in the Fox Valley Writers annual contest!
May 2018
Coaching client Jackie Ann Schwabe's article, Seriously, Who's Planning For The Next School Year In May, has been published by EPM Magazine!
Once-A-Month Write-A-Book Workshop student Susan Martell Huebner's poem, A Gathering, has been accepted by Blue Heron Review!
Faculty member Lisa Marie Auter has two poems out, one in Inscape and one in THAT Literary Magazine!
On-Site Monday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's poem, Spirited Love, was accepted for publication by Blue Heron Review magazine!
AllWriters' Founder and Director Kathie Giorgio's short story, Laughing Last, has been accepted by descant literary magazine (lower case letters intentional)!
AllWriters' Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student Lynne Carol Austin's poem, As You Begin, has been accepted by Blue Heron Review!
AllWriters' Founder and Director Kathie Giorgio's novel, In Grace's Time, won runner-up in the literary category of the 2018 Maxy Awards!
Faculty Member Summer Hanford's Half Hour Reads collection, A Lord's Kiss Series, was released on audio book by Scarsdale Publishing.
April 2018
On-Site Wednesday Night Workshop student Elisabeth Harrahy's poem, Things Forgotten, Things Remembered, has been accepted by the Blue Heron Review!
Coaching client Greta Meier signed with the Barry Goldblatt Literary Agency!
AllWriters' Founder and Director Kathie Giorgio's poetry chapbook, When You Finally Said No, has been accepted for publication by Finishing Line Press!
Faculty Member Summer Hanford's Marriage Maker novella, My Lady of Danger, was released by Scarsdale Publishing.
Coaching client Connie Chappell signed a contract today for Lily White Lie, her third Wrenn Grayson mystery and her fifth book overall with Black Rose Writing!
AllWriters' Founder and Director Kathie Giorgio's short story, Quiet, has been accepted by moonShine review. It will appear in the Spring/Summer 2018 issue (vol. 14, issue 1).
March 2018
AllWriters' Founder and Director Kathie Giorgio's publisher, Black Rose Writing, will publish the full year of Today's Moment Of Happiness Despite The News as a BOOK!
Faculty Member Summer Hanford's Half Hour Reads collection, Ladies Always Shoot First Series, was released on audio book by Scarsdale Publishing.
AllWriters' Founder and Director Kathie Giorgio's poem, Crave, has been accepted by Dying Dahlia Review!
AllWriters' Faculty Member Lisa Marie Auter's poem, The Clear Headed Lobotomy, appeared this week in the journal Naugatuck River Review!
AllWriters' Faculty Member Lisa Marie Auter's poem, From Inside the Yes or Maybe, appeared in in Barrow Street.
Coaching client Judy Haselhoef's short memoir, Mantras and Cukes, has been accepted by Wising Up Press's anthology on the theme of Surprised By Joy.
February 2018
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student Leslee Jepson's poem, Doing What He Can, was by the Wisconsin Fellowship of Poets poetry calendar!
On-Site Monday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's poem, First, was also accepted by the Wisconsin Fellowship of Poets poetry calendar!
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop, On-Site Tuesday Night Book-Writing Workshop and 2017 New Year's Resolution Write-A-Book Workshop student (whew!) Susan Martell Huebner's poem, Battle In The Burbs, has been accepted by the Wisconsin Fellowship of Poets poetry calendar!
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student Colleen June Glatzel's poem, On Stage, has been accepted by Cherry House Press!
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student Colleen June Glatzel's poem, Lace in Four Parts, has been accepted by Cherry House Press!
Faculty member Michael Giorgio's short story, Fish Out of Water, has been accepted for publication by online magazine Beautiful Losers.
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student and On-Site New Year's Resolution Write-A-Book Workshop student Susan Martell Huebner's poem, Translation into Poet-Speak, was released by the online journal Flatbush Review.
On-Site Monday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's nonfiction story, Emergence, was accepted for publication by Portage Magazine!
On-Site Monday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr has been asked -and has accepted -to be the next poet laureate of the Village of Wales here in Wisconsin!
Coaching client Gwen Ackerman's short story, Angel, has been accepted for publication in The MacGuffin!
On-Site Monday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's chapbook, On A Road, was accepted for publication by Unsolicited Press.
January 2018
Tuesday Night Book-Writing Workshop, Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop, and 2017 New Year's Resolution Write-A-Book Workshop student (whew!) Susan Martell Huebner's poem, Translation into Poet-Speak, will be published in the next edition of the online journal Flatbush Review.
AllWriters' faculty member Michael Giorgio's flash fiction story, The Spotlight, has been accepted by Better than Starbucks, an online poetry and fiction journal!
Coaching client Judy Haselhoef's short memoir, What High School Students Learned at Career Day, i.e. What I Learned at Career Day, has been accepted by Fiction Southeast!
AllWriters' Founder and Director Kathie Giorgio's audio book, In Grace's Time, is now available on audio book!
On-Site Monday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's fourth book, The Portland House; A 70's Memoir, was released by eLectio Publishing!
On-Site Monday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's fifth book, a chapbook titled On A Road, was accepted by Unsolicited Press!
Faculty member Summer Hanford's novel, The Archaeologist's Daughter, is available on audio book from Scarsdale Publishing!
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student and Online Continuing Instruction In Poetry student Colleen June Glatzel's poem, French, was accepted to Tipton Poetry Journal!
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student and Online Continuing Instruction In Poetry student Colleen June Glatzel's poem, Be Slow Like Us, was accepted to Tipton Poetry Journal!
On-Site Monday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's poem, It Matters, is online in the Winter edition of Bramble Lit Mag.
December 2017
On-Site Monday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's poem, Androgyquin, was accepted by Visual Verse.
AllWriters' faculty member Lisa Marie Auter's poem, The New Couple, has been accepted in the Front Porch Review!
On-Site Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student Diane Altwies-Valentine's story, Mr. UPS, has been accepted by Edify Fiction!
On-Site Monday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's poem, It Matters, was accepted for publication in the winter issue of Bramble Lit Mag.
On-Site Monday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's poem, A Triage of Words, was published by Tree House Arts.
On-Site Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student Lynne Carol Austin's new novel, Gull Soup, can now be ordered at!
Online Continuing Instruction In Poetry student Karen Wolf's chapbook, That's Just The Way It Is, can now be ordered at!
On-Site Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student Marcia Marino's book review of The Art of Jewish Pastoral Counseling: A Guide for All Faiths by Michelle Friedman and Rachel Yehuda (New York: Routledge, 2017) was published in the December, 2017 issue of the Association of Professional Chaplains Forum.
On-Site Thursday Night Teen Writers' Workshop student Rachel Vandenberg's poem, Saving Daughter Sun, has been accepted by Roseblood Magazine!
Online Continuing Instruction In Poetry student Karen Wolf is ON FIRE! Her poems Steve and Final Move have been accepted by Further Dalliance!
AllWriters' faculty Member Summer Hanford's Regency Romance novella, One Good Gentleman, was released by Scarsdale Publishing!
Continuing Instruction In Poetry student Karen Wolf has acceptance #37 since starting with AllWriters'! Her poem, Traction, will appear in the Lou Lit Review!
Wednesday Night Workshop student Sara Stevenson Sarna's poem, December Dawn, will appear in Weekly Avocet!
AllWriters' Founder and Director Kathie Giorgio's essay, On Bugs And Golf Balls And Reality, will be featured in the debut digital journal of Months To Years.
Faculty member Michael Giorgio's story, Alone In A Crowd Of Seven Billion, has been accepted by Laurel Highlands for their 2018 anthology on...murder!
November 2017
Faculty member Carrie Newberry's novel, Pick Your Teeth with my Bones, was published by EDGE Lite Science Fiction and Fantasy, a Canadian publisher. This book was accepted on its first submission.
Faculty member Lisa Marie Auter Brodsky's poem, The Robbery, will be published in Willawaw Journal.
Faculty member Lisa Marie Auter Brodsky's poem, The Clear-Headed Lobotomy, was a semi-finalist in the Naugatuck River Review and will be published there.
Faculty member Lisa Marie Auter Brodsky's poem, Madelyn Without the Moonlight, will be published by Inscape.
AllWriters' Founder and Director Kathie Giorgio's novel, In Grace's Time, made the list of the top 47 Books To Buy For Holiday Giving in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel!
AllWriters' Founder and Director Kathie Giorgio's poem, Rapture, has been accepted by Edify Publications for its special issue on Love.
Online Continuing Instruction In Poetry student Karen Wolf is still burning up! Her poem, Succor Denied, has been accepted to Degenerates: Voices for Peace!
Coaching client Barbara Ann Geiger's book-length memoir, Paddle For A Purpose, has been accepted by eLectio Press!
Coaching client Jackie Ann Schwabe's fabulous article, I Learned to Celebrate Small Moments After My Daughter’s Autism Diagnosis, is appearing now on The Mighty!
Coaching client Julie Boglisch's second novel in her Epidemic series has been accepted by her publisher!
AllWriters' faculty member Lisa Marie Auter Brodsky's poem, The Clear-Headed Lobotomy, was a semi-finalist for the Naugatuck River Review's 9th Narrative Poetry Contest!
Coaching client Nancy Lee (Nancy Lucchesi) has an article out in the anthology, Brilliant Breakthroughs for the Small Business Owner: Fresh Perspectives on Profitability, People, Productivity, and Finding Peace in Your Business!
Faculty member Summer Hanford's novel, Shores of K'Orge, was released by Martin Sisters Publishing. This is the fifth and final novel in Summer Hanford's young adult fantasy series.
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student and On-Site New Year's Resolution Write-A-Book Workshop student Susan Martell Huebner's poem, Epiphany, won the Jade Ring for the 2017 Wisconsin Writers Association contest!
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student and On-Site New Year's Resolution Write-A-Book Workshop student Susan Martell Huebner's poem, Blankets, took second honorable mention in the 2017 Wisconsin Writers Association contest!
AllWriters' faculty member Lisa Marie Auter Brodsky's poem, The Spy, was accepted by Poetry South.
October 2017
Online Monday Night Fiction/NonFiction Workshop student and coaching client Alice Benson's short story, In an Instant, was published in Page & Spine's The Reading Lamp!
On-Site Monday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's poem, A Triage Of Words, has been accepted for publishing by TreeHouse Arts!
Coaching client Connie Chappell's first book, Wild Raspberries, published by Black Rose Writing, was selected by Amazon Audible to become an audiobook!
Coaching client Author Laura Henry's novel, Starlight On Snowfall, has been accepted for publication by eLectio Publishing!
September 2017
AllWriters' Founder and Director Kathie Giorgio's short story, Recipe, has been accepted by Fixional Inc.
AllWriters' faculty member Shaindel Beers has won the 2017 White Pine Poetry Prize for her volume, Secure Your Own Mask, which will be published in the fall of 2018. Her manuscript was selected by the judge, Alan Michael Parker.
And On-Site Monday Night Workshop student Sara Stevenson Sarna's poem, On the Silver Screen, has been selected for inclusion in the 5th year anniversary Bards Against Hunger anthology.
Online Intro To Poetry student Karen Wolf has had acceptance numbers 35! Karen's poem, When Fear Comes Along, will appear in Lady Blue Literary Arts Journal.
Online Intro To Poetry student Karen Wolf has had acceptance numbers 34! Karen's poem, Cumbersome, will appear in Ripcord magazine!
On-Site Monday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's fourth book, The Portland House; A 70's Memoir, has been accepted by eLectio Publishing!
Wednesday Night Workshop student Sara Stevenson Sarna's poem, Sense Memory, has been accepted for the fall printed issue of The Avocet.
On-Site Tuesday Night Book-Writing Workshop student Nancy Jorgensen received first place in the Six Word Pinnacle Moment contest from SMITH Magazine! Nancy's six-word winner: Daughter ran. Fast. Olympic gold. Tears.
Coaching client Nancy Flinchbaugh's novel, Revelation At The Labyrinth, will be released soon with eLectio Publishing.
Faculty Member Summer Hanford's Half Hour Reads collection, A Lord's Kiss Series, was released by Scarsdale Publishing.
August 2017
Coaching client Connie Chappell's fourth book, Designs On Ivy's Locket, the second in Connie's Wrenn Grayson Mystery series, has been accepted by Black Rose Writing!
Coaching client William Mathis' novel, Face Your Fears, has been accepted by Rogue Phoenix Publishing!
Online Monday Night Fiction/NonFiction Workshop student Christopher T. Werkman's short story collection, Girlfriending, is available from Rogue Phoenix Press!
On-Site Monday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's poem, Housed In Love, will appear in Torrid Literature Journal!
On-Site Monday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's poem, When I Get Big, will appear in Torrid Literature Journal!
July 2017
Longtime Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student Ilona Fridl has signed a contract for her - not first, not second - but her EIGHTH novel! A Balancing Act is now on its way to publication!
Intro To Poetry student Karen Wolf's chapbook, That's Just The Way It Is, has been accepted by Finishing Line Press!
Online Intro to Poetry student Karen Wolf's poem, Hide Out, has been accepted by Drunken Llama!
AllWriters' faculty member Shaindel Beers has three poems up in Prime Number!
June 2017
Wednesday Night Writers' Workshop student Sara Sarna's poem was accepted for the Wisconsin Writers Association's 2017 Creative Literary Journal!
Tuesday Night Book-Writing Workshop student Ed Sarna's short story was accepted for the Wisconsin Writers Association's 2017 Creative Literary Journal!
Online Monday Night Fiction/NonFiction Workshop student Christopher T. Werkman's short story was accepted to the the Main Street Rag anthologies on bars and fast foods!
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student Diane Altwies-Valentine's short story was accepted to the the Main Street Rag anthologies on bars and fast foods!
Coaching client Jenny Fiore's short story was accepted to the the Main Street Rag anthologies on bars and fast foods!
On-Site Monday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's poem, Fair to Middlin', was accepted for publication by The Linnet's Wing Journal for their summer edition.
On-Site Monday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's poem, Hold The Line, has been accepted by Bramble Lit Magazine, an online and print publication by the WFOP: Wisconsin Fellowship of Poets.
Online Intro to Poetry student Karen Wolf's poem, Crossing Borders, will appear in the fall print issue of Ground Fresh Thursday.
Online Intro to Poetry student Karen Wolf's poem, Moon Meditation, will appear in the fall print issue of Ground Fresh Thursday.
Online Introduction to Poetry student Karen Wolf's poem, Sand's Constancy, will appear in The Avocet Journal of Nature Poems. This is Karen's 28th acceptance since starting with AllWriters'!
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student and On-Site New Year's Resolution Write-A-Book Workshop student Susan Martell Huebner's poem, Mindful With The River, has been accepted by the Blue Heron Review!
Student Elisabeth Harrahy, who is transitioning from the on-site Wednesday Night Workshop to the Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop, received an Honorable Mention in the Wisconsin People & Ideas state-wide contest for her poem, Suitcase!
Student Elisabeth Harrahy, who is transitioning from the on-site Wednesday Night Workshop to the Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop, had an acceptance in the Wisconsin Poets' Calendar!
Coaching client Connie Chappell's fourth book, Designs On Ivy's Locket, the second in Connie's Wrenn Grayson Mystery series, has been accepted by Black Rose Writing!
Wednesday Night Writers' Workshop student and On-Site New Year's Resolution Write-A-Book Workshop student Susan Martell Huebner's lovely chapbook, reality changes with the willy nilly wind, has been accepted by Finishing Line Press!
Faculty Member Summer Hanford's Half Hour Reads collection, Ladies Always Shoot First Series, was released by Scarsdale Publishing.
May 2017
Online Intro to Poetry student Karen Wolf's poem, Hide Out, will appear in the June issue of Street Light Press. This is her 27th acceptance since starting with AllWriters'!
AllWriters' coaching client Connie Chappell's FOURTH book, Designs On Ivy's Locket, has been accepted by Black Rose Writing.
AllWriters' faculty member, Carolyn Walker's memoir, Every Least Sparrow, has been nominated for a Pulitzer!!!!!!!!
Coaching client Lynne Carol Austin's second novel, Gull Soup, has been accepted by her publisher, Black Rose Writing.
Coaching client Nancy Flinchbaugh's novel, Revelation At The Labyrinth, has been accepted by eLectio Publishing!!
Coaching client Chris Suddeth's novel, Swoondalini, has been accepted by Cawing Crow Press!!
On-Site Monday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's poem, No Cure, was accepted for publication in the Summer 2017 issue of Blue Heron Review.
Online Monday Night Fiction/NonFiction Workshop student Christopher T. Werkman's novel, Difficult Lies, placed second in the Fiction category of the Maxy Awards!
AllWriters' Founder and Director Kathie Giorgio's poem, Triumph, is now out in the current issue of the Main Street Rag literary journal.
Coaching client Nanci Rathbun's essay, Milwaukee - the "Other" City On Lake Michigan, has been published in their Midwestern Mysteries issue!
April 2017
Online Intro to Poetry student Karen Wolf's poem, Nature Lesson, has been accepted for publication in the Weekly Avocet A Journal of Nature Poems!
Writing as Renata McMann, former Thursday Night Book Writing Workshop student Teresa McCullough's Pride and Prejudice Variation, Poor Mr. Darcy, was published in the bundle, Imperfect Gentlemen, by Scarsdale Publishing
Writing as Renata McMann, former Thursday Night Book Writing Workshop student Teresa McCullough's Pride and Prejudice Variation, A Death at Rosings, was published in the bundle, Unforgettable, by Drakon Press.
AllWriters' Founder and Director Kathie Giorgio's short story, Sitting, is now up and ready to read at Edify Publications, in their inaugural issue
AllWriters' faculty member Michael Giorgio's poem, How A Guy Gains Wisdom, is up in Rat's Ass Review.
AllWriters' director and founder Kathie Giorgio's short story, Sitting, has been accepted by Edify Publications.
Online Monday Night Fiction/NonFiction Workshop student Christopher T. Werkman's short story, Biggest Fan, is to be published April 30th by a literary magazine called cahoodaloodaling.
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student and On-Site New Year's Resolution Write-A-Book Workshop student Susan Martell Huebner's poem, In A Winter Window, has been accepted by Panoplyzine!
On-Site Monday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's poems, Bill of Health and Terestrially Adjusted, were accepted for publication in Red Cedar Review coming out in May.
Coaching client Joanna Chen's essay, The Grammar Of Peace, appeared in the Los Angeles Review of Books!
March 2017
On-Site Monday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's nonfiction story, Ear of the Beholder, was accepted for publication by Foliate Oak Literary Magazine.
Coaching client Gwen Ackerman's novel, Goddess of Battle, has been accepted by Black Rose Writing!
AllWriters' faculty member Michael Giorgio's poem, How a Guy Gains Wisdom, was accepted by Rat's Ass Review.
Online Intro To Poetry student Karen Wolf's poem, Scarecrow Memories, was accepted by Raw Dog Press.
AllWriters' Founder and Director Kathie Giorgio's seventh book, In Grace's Time, has been accepted by Black Rose Writing!
Online Monday Night Fiction/NonFiction Workshop student and coaching client Alice Benson's short story, Porch Therapy, was accepted and is currently up at Cliterature for their Patriarchy theme!
Online Intro To Poetry student Karen Wolf's poem, Ruth, will appear in The Borfski Press.
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student Marcia Marino's book review of Self-Compassion: Stop Beating Yourself Up & Leave Insecurity Behind by Kristin Neff was published in the March 2017 Association of Professional Chaplains Forum.
On-Site Monday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's poems, Stellar and Giants, have been accepted by Portage Magazine!
Online Intro To Poetry student Karen Wolf has had four, count'em, FOUR, poems, Worry, All The World's A Stage, Releasing The Sadness, and Execution Twice Stayed, accepted in Communicators League, an on-line publication from Nigeria!
AllWriters' faculty member Lisa Marie Auter had a poem accepted in Linden Avenue Literary Journal, and a poem just came out in SUSAN, The Journal.
February 2017
On-Site Monday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's poem, Gunless Wonder, has been accepted into the East Lansing Art Festival Poetry Press, a print publication in its second edition that comes out in May.
Coaching client David Mathews' article, Transformation, is in the February issue of Porsche Panorama.
Coaching client David Mathews' essay will appear in the March issue of Inspired Senior Living Magazine, a Canadian magazine.
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student Susan Martell Huebner's poem, Predictable Happenstance, has been accepted for the 2018 Wisconsin Poets' Calendar!
AllWriters' director and founder Kathie Giorgio's poem, April Fool In Florida, has been accepted for the 2018 Wisconsin Poets' Calendar!
On-Site Monday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr has been selected to be the Featured Author for February on the Swimming With Elephants Publications site! He goes up and open to the public on Feb. 15!
Online Intro to Poetry student Karen Wolf has had her 20th poem accepted! All within a year of joining AllWriters'! Her poem, I Made It Out, will appear in Blynkt Magazine.
January 2017
Coaching client Julie Boglisch's first novel, The Elifer Chronicles: Epidemic, has been released!
AllWriters' Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student and New Year's Resolution Write-A-Book Workshop student Susan Martell Huebner's book, She Thought the Door was Locked, is now available!
Faculty member Carolyn Walker's memoir, Every Least Sparrow, is now available! What a gorgeous book. WOOHOO!
AllWriters' faculty member Lisa Marie Auter has four poems up now in Peacock Journal!
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student Lila Schwenk's book, Penalties of the Truth, a memoir about her brother Larry, has been released by eLectio Publishing!
Online Introduction to Poetry student Karen Wolf's poem, New Paths, has been accepted by...are you ready for this name?...The Drunken Llama litmag!
Online Monday Night Fiction/NonFiction Workshop student Christopher T. Werkman's short story, Artifice, has been accepted for publication in the winter 2017 issue of The Literary Nest.
December 2016
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student Kerry Crowley's second book, book two in the Mucus Phlegmball series, Rocket Farts, Zombie Parts: The Continuing Adventures of Mucus Phlegmball released was released!
Online Introduction to Poetry student Karen Wolf's poems, Coping With Headlines and Life Without Parole, have been accepted by The Bookends Review.
AllWriters' faculty member Lisa Marie Auter's poems, It Becomes Her, The Stolen Body Returns Home, Trans-Atlantic, and The Offering, have ALL been accepted by the Peacock Journal!
Online Introduction to Poetry student Karen Wolf's poem, Motherhood, has been accepted by the Sobotka Literary Magazine!
Coaching client Bettelynn McIlvain's article, Endless Possibilities Beyond Your Yoga Practice, was published in Yogi Times.
On-Site Monday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's poem, ReCreation, has been accepted for publication by The Wild Word for their issue titled In The Beginning...
AllWriters' Founder and Director Kathie Giorgio's story, Clean, published in the Summer 2016 issue of Prairie Schooner, has been nominated by Prairie Schooner for the Pushcart Prize!
Coaching client Connie Chappell's novel, Proper Goodbye, was released by Black Rose Writing!
AllWriters' Founder and Director Kathie Giorgio visited the Eastern Oregon Correctional Institute this summer and met the inmates who were in the clock-making school. Her friend, Marshall Cook, asked her to write about it for his writers' newsletter, Extra Innings. When you click on the link, then go to the Issue #82 at the top of the page and click on that.
Online Monday Night Fiction/NonFiction Workshop student and coaching client Alice Benson's essay, The Unthinkable, has been accepted by English Kills Review!
November 2016
Coaching client and Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student Colleen June Glatzel's novel, Hey, Joey Journal, has been accepted by Rogue Phoenix Press!
Online Introduction to Poetry student Karen Wolf's poem, Escape, has been accepted in Lit.Cat. This is Karen's 15th acceptance since starting at AllWriters'!
On-Site Monday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's poem Midday Murder has been accepted at Poetry Leaves for the coolest thing! Poems accepted at Poetry Leaves go on display in the trees on campus as an outdoor poetry exhibition for the month of May in recognition of Poetry Month. Even cooler, Jim's poem will appear in the bound version of the journal too!
AllWriters' faculty member Lisa Marie Auter's two poems, Brodsky's 1st Psychoanalysis Session, Verbatim and LMB for Posterity have been accepted for Diode Poetry Journal's 10th Anniversary Issue in February!
AllWriters' Online Monday Night Fiction/NonFiction Workshop student Theresa Smith's book-length memoir, Sarah's Story, has been accepted for publication by eLectio Press!
AllWriters' Founder and Director Kathie Giorgio's poem, Menu, has been accepted for the Main Street Rag Publishing Company's anthology of fast food!
Coaching client David Mathews' short memoir, Nervous Nellie, has been accepted for the Main Street Rag Publishing Company's anthology of fast food!
AllWriters' Founder and Director Kathie Giorgio's short story, Noodling, has been accepted by the Main Street Rag Publishing Company for its bar-themed anthology, to be published in 2017.
AllWriters' student Sandy Goldsworthy had a short story, Ashes Overboard, accepted for a Clean Teen Publishing anthology called Fated Destination.
AllWriters' Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student and New Year's Resolution Write-A-Book Workshop student Susan Martell Huebner's poem, Spirit Bridge, has been accepted by Lost: Reflection Anthology printed by Medusa's Laugh Press.
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student Kerry Crowley's third book, the third of a series, Ear Wax & Cadillacs; the Continued Adventures of Mucus Phlegmball, has been accepted for publication!
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student Becky Burton Thomas received runner up with her short story The Lovely Numbers in Waukesha Reads short story contest! It was Becky's first story and her first submission!
October 2016
Online Intro To Poetry Student Karen Wolf's poem, Plot Twist, has been accepted at Foliate Oak Literary Magazine. This is Karen's 14th acceptance since starting to study with AllWriters' faculty Shaindel Beers.
On-Site Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student Marcia Marino's article, Ministry To Atheists Or Agnostics Is Meaningful In A Different Way, was published in the September edition of The Vision, the monthly journal of the National Association of Catholic Chaplains.
September 2016
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student Diane Altwies-Valentine's short story, Looking For Bill, has been accepted by Thrice Publishing! In their acceptance letter, they said it was perfect!
Online Monday Night Fiction/NonFiction Workshop student and coaching client Alice Benson's short story, Only in the Movies, has been accepted by Mused Fiction at Bellaonline. It will appear on September 22.
Online Monday Night Fiction/NonFiction Workshop student Christopher T. Werkman's short story collection, Girlfriending, has been accepted by Rogue Phoenix Press! This is Chris' second book!
Online Monday Night FictionNonFiction Workshop student Julie Beekman's book-length memoir, Two Trees, has been accepted by Rogue Phoenix Press! WOOHOOOOO!
Online Introduction to Poetry student Karen Wolf has had her poem WHO? accepted in Artificium: The Journal.
Coaching client Connie Chappell's first novel, Wild Raspberries, received a Women's Fiction Award from Reader's Favorite!
August 2016
On-Site Monday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's poem Car Hunting In America earned an Honorable Mention in the Poetry Nook's 93rd weekly poetry contest.
Online Introduction To Poetry student Karen Wolf's poem, Echo Memories, has been accepted by Oasis Journal 2016 by Imago Press in November.
Online Introduction To Poetry student Karen Wolf is hot, hot, hot! Not one, not two, but FIVE of her poems have been accepted in The Wagon Magazine, published in India! Her accepted poems are The Photo, Just The Way It Is, Flag R And R, Held In Memory By No One, and Losing My Religion.
Online Monday Night Fiction/NonFiction Workshop student and coaching client Alice Benson has an interview up at With Love For Books, which includes a book giveaway!
Monday Night Workshop student (she's been in other workshops too) Kathrine Yets' poem, Kapo-keho-lele, has been accepted by Fickle Muses!
AllWriters' faculty member Lisa Marie Auter is one of only nine contributors to be included in this really neat book that takes psalms and makes them into children's stories, Palms Book: Prayers and Poems for Kids by Spark House!
Online Introduction to Poetry student Karen Wolf has had not one, but TWO, count'em, TWO poems accepted! Spider People and Skipping Summer will appear in Tree House online magazine on October 19.
Coaching client Connie Chappell's eagerly awaited sequel to her first novel, Wild Raspberries, has been accepted by Black Rose Writing! The sequel is called Proper Goodbye.
July 2016
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student and New Year's Resolution Write-A-Book Workshop student Susan Susan Martell Huebner's poem, Tending To, has been accepted by Here Comes Everyone literary journal!
Coaching client David Mathews' memoir, Lemons and Lemonade, has been accepted by Black Rose Writing!
Coaching client David Mathews' essay from his memoir, Lemons and Lemonade, has been accepted by Inspired Senior Magazine!
AllWriters' faculty member Michael Giorgio's second novel, his sequel to the wonderful Justice Comes Home, has been accepted by Black Rose Writing! The tentative title is The Memory Swindlers.
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student Lila Schwenk's book, Penalties of the Truth, a memoir about her brother Larry, has been accepted by eLectio Publishing! It will be released in February.
On-Site Monday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's short memoir, Five Minute Major (a hockey story) was accepted for publication in the Wisconsin Writers Association Creative Wisconsin Literary Journal.
AllWriters' faculty member Shaindel Beers' poems have been accepted by Thank You for Swallowing for an upcoming themed issue! The Manic Pixie Dream Girl Turns Forty and Playing Dolls will be in the Beauty issue.
AllWriters' faculty member Shaindel Beers' poem has been accepted by Thank You for Swallowing for an upcoming themed issue! Secure Your Mask Before Helping Others will be in the Toxic Masculinity issue.
Online Introduction to Poetry student Karen Wolf's poem, Fog Running, is going to be published by Dime Store Review in online, print, and audio form.
June 2016
On-Site Monday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's Flash Fiction Sunday Edition choices are up on Reading for those with short attention spans.
On-Site Monday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's poems, American Nightmare, Days of Future Past and Comahood were accepted by Transcendent Zero Press for publication in their anthology titled, Selfhood: Varieties of Experience.
New Year's Resolution Write A Book Workshop student Bonnie Barens-Dickmann's short memoir, A Hand To Hold, has been accepted to the premier issue of the Wisconsin Writers Association literary journal, due out in October!
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student Marcia Marino's review of Sacred Ground: Pluralism, Prejudice, and the Promise of America by Eboo Patel (Beacon Press) was published in the Association of Professional Chaplain's electronic magazine The Forum's June, 2016 issue.
Coaching client David Mathews has two feature stories in the June issue of Porsche Panorama. The two stories are written in collaboration with world-famous photographer, Michael Alan Ross.
Faculty member Shaindel Beers is featured in Issue 5 of Queen of Cups!
Faculty member Shaindel Beers pops up on YouTube!
Faculty member Carolyn Walker's book-length memoir has been accepted by Garn Press!
On-Site Monday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's poem Greek to Me was accepted by Poetry Breakfast magazine today.
On-Site Monday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's poem McChurched was accepted for publication in an anthology titled The Well-Versed Reader.
May 2016
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student Kathrine Yets's poem More than Marble was accepted by Clockwise Cat!
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student Kathrine Yets's poem Small Prayer was accepted by Blue Heron Review!
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student Kathrine Yets's poem Self-Defense Class was accepted by Blue Heron Review!
On-Site Monday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's eBook, Reciting From Memory, is now available on Amazon!
AllWriters' Founder and Director Kathie Giorgio's collection Oddities & Endings: The Collected Stories of Kathie Giorgio made the Top 100 Must Reads for the Summer List in the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel! This is Kathie's third time on the list...and her second year in a row.
AllWriters' Faculty member Carolyn Walker has been accepted for a residency for the month of October at the Noepe Center Writers Residence on Martha's Vineyard!
AllWriters' Faculty member Shaindel Beers has poems in Chantarelle's Notebook, one poem written for her dear friend Lindsey Brooke Crain, who died way too soon, and the other for Andrew Stancek whose beautiful act inspired her to write a poem.
AllWriters' Faculty member Lisa Marie Auter Brodsky has six poems in Spark Story Bible Psalm Book: Prayers and Poems for Kids due out August 2016.
AllWriters' Faculty member Lisa Marie Auter Brodsky's poem The Purpose Explained was just published in Even the Daybreak: 35 Years of Salmon Poetry edited by Jessie Lendennie.
Wednesday Night Workshop student Katy Coutley's poem, Paradise Lost, has been accepted by Fickle Muses!
Back to School Write-A-Book Workshop student William Mathis' short piece on swimming has been accepted for the Readers Write section of The Sun! It will be in the June 2016 Issue (#486). WOOHOO!!!!!
AllWriters' Fantasy and Sci Fi Faculty Member Summer Hanford's fourth book, Plains of Tybrunn, was released by Martin Sisters Publishing!
On-Site Monday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's poem, Shevel Kneivel, is now available from Silver Birch Press as part of a series called RIDE where the focus is on kids and bikes.
On-Site Monday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's poems, Four Banger Beatdown and Finely Crafted were accepted by The Skinny Poetry Journal.
On-Site Monday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's nonfiction story, Mayo Days, and a related poem, You Took, were accepted for publication in an anthology titled, The Other, about seeing God in different ways, to be published by ELectio Publishing
AllWriters' coaching client Connie Chappell's novel, Wild Raspberries, has received the 2016 Maxy Award for Best Literary Fiction!
AllWriters' Poetry Faculty Member Shaindel Beers's poem, Self-portrait as Rosin Back Rider, was written for the 2015 April Poem a Day Challenge and was chosen as a finalist by Alison Stine, seen here in collaborations with cellist Jesse Ahmann!
AllWriters' Poetry Faculty Member Shaindel Beers's poem, When We Were Knife Throwers, was written for the 2015 April Poem a Day Challenge and was chosen as a winner by Denise Duhamel, seen here in collaborations with cellist Jesse Ahmann!
AllWriters' Poetry Faculty Member Shaindel Beers's poem, My heart is a diner that never closes …, appeared in Tinderbox.
AllWriters' Poetry Faculty Member Shaindel Beers's poem, Curious George Loves the Man with the Yellow Hat, appeared in Tinderbox.
AllWriters' Poetry Faculty Member Shaindel Beers's 13-part poem is featured in Cascadia Review all this week!
April 2016
On-Site Monday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's 50 page poetry chapbook, not yet titled, has been accepted by Underground Voices!!
On-Site Monday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's poem, Shevel Knievel, was accepted for publication by Silver Birch Press out of California.
Online Monday Night Fiction/NonFiction Workshop Christopher T. Werkman's short story, Speed, is now up at Journal of Microliterature.
On-Site Monday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's poem, Fighting Words, is up on Random Sample Review.
On-Site Monday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's poem, Fighting Words, was accepted by Random Sample Review!
AllWriters' Founder and Director Kathie Giorgio's short story, Solitaire, has been accepted for the Chariton Review!!
Poetry student Karen Wolf's poem, Documentary: Rock Perceptions, won the 2016 Creative Challenge Award/Literature!
Poetry student Karen Wolf's poem, Don't Stop the Music, won the e. e. cummings Free Verse Award.
On-Site Monday Night Workshop student Jennifer Pierce Hocevar's short memoir is up at GFT Press!
AllWriters' Founder and Director Kathie Giorgio's guest blog is up at Headland Journal: Literary Frontiers & Emerging Voices.
On-Site Monday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's short nonfiction piece, Snowball Effect, has been accepted for publication in Steam Ticket Literary Journal!
Coaching client Linda Benjamin's first appearance in her column for FW: The Magazine for Chicago Women is out!
March 2016
On-Site Monday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's short story The Love of a Cat was just accepted for publication in the forthcoming Sundown Press Anthology on Pets/Pet Rescue titled Memories From Maple Street: Pawprints On My Heart.
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student Marcia Marino's review of Mere Spirituality: The Spiritual Life According to Henri Nouwen was published by the Association of Professional Chaplains Forum in the March, 2016 issue.
Wednesday Night Workshop student Kristina Awadallah's book, 50 States of Missed Connections, is available from Main Street Rag Publishing Company.
On-Site Monday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's poem, Car Hunting in America, was accepted for publication in Memoryhouse Magazine.
On-Site Monday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's poem, Docked, was accepted for publication inMemoryhouse Magazine.
Coaching client David Mathews' article is in the latest issue of Panorama magazine!
On-Site Monday Night Workshop student Jennifer Pierce Hocevar's creative nonfiction piece, Ich Liebe Dich: The Story Lissie Never Told, a story about her grandmother's dementia, was accepted at GFT Press!
AllWriters' faculty member Lisa Marie Auter's poem, Hysterectomy of the Roaring Woman will be in the April issue of The Mom Egg!
February 2016
On-Site Monday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's poem, Huffy, was accepted for publication on Every Writer's Resource's Every Day Poems.
Coaching client David Mathews's article, Resurrection, is in Porsche Panorama's February issue!
Coaching client David Mathews' article on a 914-6 narrow-bodied conversion is featured in the current issue of excellence (small e is deliberate).
Online Monday Night Fiction/NonFiction Workshop Christopher T. Werkman's short story, Believe It, is now up at
Coaching Client E.A. Lawrence's story, Kitsune Tea, has been accepted into Roar 7, an anthology published by FurPlanet!
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student Anne Lehman's poem, In My Teacher's Office, was accepted for the 2017 Wisconsin Fellowship of Poets Calendar.
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student Leslee Jepsom's poem, Child of the Wolf, was accepted for the 2017 Wisconsin Fellowship of Poets Calendar.
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student Susan Martell Huebner's poem, Everything Including The Kitchen Sink, was accepted for the 2017 Wisconsin Fellowship of Poets Calendar.
AllWriters' Founder and Director Kathie Giorgio's poem, When Others Kill Your Darlings, has been accepted for the 2017 Wisconsin Fellowship of Poets Calendar.
On-Site Monday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's poem, The Face of Rain, was accepted for publication in the 2017 Wisconsin Fellowship of Poets Calendar!
Coaching client Connie Chappell's second novel, Deadly Homecoming at Rosemont; A Wrenn Grayson Mystery, has been released by Black Rose Writing!
January 2016
On-Site Monday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's poem, Not So Major Tom, has been accepted for publication in the David Bowie Memorial Anthology, to be released around Easter. Money raised from the book will be donated to cancer research in David's honor.
Online Monday Night Fiction/NonFiction Workshop student and coaching client Alice Benson's short story, Love Is Patient, has been accepted for MPA Publishing's anthology on love and marriage!
AllWriters' Founder and Director Kathie Giorgio's short story, Out of Hibernation, has been accepted by Headland literary journal.
AllWriters' Founder and Director Kathie Giorgio's short story, Clean, has been accepted by Prairie Schooner literary magazine for an upcoming issue.
AllWriters' Founder and Director Kathie Giorgio's poem, I Won The Battle, is now up on Cliterature, for their theme issue on monogamy.
December 2015
AllWriters' Founder and Director Kathie Giorgio's poem, I Won The Battle, has been accepted for the next issue of Cliterature, for their theme of Monogamy.
AllWriters' Founder and Director Kathie Giorgio's short story, Drifting, has been accepted by Main Street Rag Publishing Company for their anthology on Dogs.
Coaching client and Back To School Write-A-Book Workshop student William Mathis' short story, August 22, is out in the most recent issue of Jonathan, A Journal of Queer Male Fiction #10 from Sibling Rivalry Press!
Coaching client Eva Lomski's short story, Tagged, is up in Tincture Journal! Woohoo (with an Aussie accent)!
On-Site Monday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's poem, Inspiration: Sight Unseen has been accepted for publication in the Nivasini Publishers anthology titled, The World I Live In. This anthology is centered on the world of blindness and the visually impaired. Proceeds from the book sales are being shared with a nonprofit organization. So an acceptance and a helping hand!
Wednesday Night Workshop student Katy Coutley's poem, Between The Sheets, is now up in Aberration Labyrinth!
November 2015
AllWriters' Founder and Director Kathie Giorgio's poem, Deep, was accepted by Minerva Rising for their theme issue on body image.
Online Monday Night Fiction/NonFiction Workshop student Carrie O'Connor's flash story is up at Barely South Review!
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student Ilona Fridl has signed book contract number SEVEN with Wild Rose Press! This next novel is called A Sacrificial Matter!
AllWriters' Founder and Director Kathie Giorgio's poetry chapbook, True Light Falls In Many Forms, will be published by the Main Street Rag Publishing Company and released in 2016.
October 2015
Coaching client Connie Chappell's short story, Rose Petal Haunt, was published on Knightmist's blog, in honor of Halloween. Connie's novel was our 21st book in 2015!
Coaching client Connie Chappell's second novel, Deadly Homecoming at Rosemont; A Wrenn Grayson Mystery, has been accepted by Black Rose Writing!
AllWriters' faculty member Lisa Marie Auter has won a Notable Poetry Book for 2014 by the Wisconsin Library Association for her book, Motherlung!
On-Site Monday Night Writing Workshop student Kelly A Risser's novella, Sea of Memories, a part of the Never Forgotten series, will be released in e-book on 11/3/15 and paperback 1/7/16 through Clean Teen Publishing.
Tuesday Night Book-Writing Workshop student and Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student Diane Altwies-Valentine's short story, The Diet, is going to be aired on Episode 28 of No Extra Words, a flash fiction podcast! Episode 28 is scheduled for release on December 30!
On-Site Monday Night Workshop student and faculty member Jim Landwehr's story, Christmas Presence, was accepted for publication in the anthology titled, Memories from Maple Street, USA: The Best Christmas Ever, by Prairie Rose Publications!
Back To School Write-A-Book Workshop student Bill William Mathis placed first in the Wisconsin Writers' Association Jade Ring contest for nonfiction with his short memoir, The Oak Tree, and his poem, Of Balancing Rocks, received an honorable mention!
September 2015
On-Site Monday Night Workshop student Jennifer Pierce Hocevar had her first acceptance ever! Jen's creative non-fiction essay, Outgrowing Natalie, was accepted for publication in the next issue of Blinders Literary Journal!
On-Site Monday Night Workshop student and faculty member Jim Landwehr's poem, The War on War, was accepted for publication by Five 2 One Magazine in their #thesideshow online showcase
On-Site Monday Night Workshop student and faculty member Jim Landwehr's poem, Retales, was accepted for publication in Fox Adoption Magazine in January of 2016.
Coaching client Julie Boglisch has sold her fantasy novel to Cawing Crow Press!
On-Site Monday Night Workshop student and faculty member Jim Landwehr's poem, Molted Cat Coats, was accepted for publication in the inaugural issue of which debuts in October.
Online Monday Night Fiction/NonFiction Workshop Christopher T. Werkman's short story, Clocking Out, was accepted for Main Street Rag Company's themed anthology It's About Time.
Online Monday Night Fiction/NonFiction Workshop student and coaching client Alice Benson's short story, Listen, was accepted for Main Street Rag Company's themed anthology It's About Time.
Coaching client Colleen McKinney's short memoir, No Volvere, was accepted for Main Street Rag Company's themed anthology It's About Time.
Coaching client Bettelynn McIlvain's short story, Rust, was accepted for Main Street Rag Company's themed anthology It's About Time.
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student and New Year's Resolution Write-A-Book Workshop student Susan Martell Huebner's poem, Winter Schedule, was accepted for Main Street Rag Company's themed anthology It's About Time.
AllWriters' Founder and Director Kathie Giorgio's short story, One More Moment (Multiplied), was accepted for the Main Street Rag themed anthology on Ghosts.
Online Monday Night Fiction/NonFiction Workshop student Christopher T. Werkman's short story, Connection, was accepted for the Main Street Rag themed anthology on Ghosts.
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student and New Year's Resolution Write-A-Book Workshop student Johannah Siragusa's short story, Cabin One, was accepted for the Main Street Rag themed anthology on Ghosts.
Coaching client Chris Suddeth's short story, Heaven Is Augusta Green, was accepted for the Main Street Rag themed anthology on Ghosts.
On-Site Monday Night Workshop and AllWriters' faculty member Jim Landwehr's poem Soul Pane was accepted for publication on ReVerse.
On-Site Monday Night Workshop and now ALLWRITERS' FACULTY MEMBER Jim Landwehr's short memoir, In my Defense, has been accepted for publication in a Prairie Rose Publications anthology titled Memories From Maple Street, USA - Leaving Childhood Behind.
August 2015
Online Monday Night Fiction/NonFiction Workshop student Christopher T. Werkman's short story, The Last Year, Plus One, has been accepted by Armchair/Shotgun!
Wednesday Night Workshop student Kristina Awadallah's prose poetry chapbook, 50 States Of Missed Connections, has been accepted by the Main Street Rag Publishing Company!
AllWriters' Founder and Director Kathie Giorgio's short story, Bright, has been accepted by Loud Zoo, a literary magazine published by Bedlam Publishing.
July 2015
Online Monday Night Fiction/NonFiction Workshop student and coaching client Alice Benson's short story, Breaking News, has been accepted by Dirty Chain magazine!
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student and New Year's Resolution Write-A-Book Workshop student (and former coaching client) Susan Martell Huebner's novel, She Thought The Door Was Locked, has been signed by Cawing Crow Press!
Online Monday Night Fiction/NonFiction Workshop student and coaching client Alice Benson's short story, Return On Investment, is now up on Jawline Review!
June 2015
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student and New Year's Resolution Write-A-Book Workshop student Susan Martell Huebner has had two poems accepted! Red Barn and The Summer of the Epidemic will appear in Kind Of A Hurricane Press' anthology called Change Of Seasons!
AllWriters' faculty member Lisa Marie Auter's poetry collection, Motherlung, has received the Outstanding Achievement recognition by the Wisconsin Library Association!
Coaching client Bettelynn McIlvain's article, I'm In Teacher Training - At Age 62!, is up today on YogiTimes!
May 2015
Honorary Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student Ilona Fridl's SIXTH novel, yes, I said, SIXTH novel, That Monroe Girl, has been accepted by Wild Rose Press!
Coaching client Byron Brumbaugh's novel, The Devil's Vial, has been accepted by Black Rose Writing!
Coaching client Deborah Marsh's memoir, Deliver Us From Evil, has been accepted by eLectio Publishing!
On-Site Monday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's two poems, Sacked and Guest House, have been accepted for publication in a coming issue of Torrid Literature Journal!
I am delighted to announce that New Year's Resolution Write-A-Book Workshop student and coaching client Carrie Newberry's first book, Pick Your Teeth with My Bones, has been accepted for publication by EDGE Science Fiction and Fantasy Publishing!
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student Kerry Crowley's second book, Rocket Farts and Zombie Parts, The Continuing Adventures of Mucus Phlegmball, has been accepted by MuseItUp Press!
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student Kerry Crowley's newly released book wins book of the month by LASR readers!
April 2015
Online Monday Night Fiction/Nonfiction Workshop student and coaching client Alice Benson's short story, Ode, has been accepted for the inaugural issue of The Gateway Review!
Coaching client Connie Chappell's short story, Wait For Me, has been accepted for publication in the spring/summer anniversary issue of The Write Place At The Right Time!
On-Site Monday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's poem Brotherly LUV is among those chosen for the Poem In Your Pocket feature on the We Wanted To Be Writers site today!
Online Monday Night Workshop student and coaching client Alice Benson was a winner in the Lakefly Writers Conference Writing Contest with her story, Deep Breathing!
On-Site Monday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's flash fiction story The Year of Intended Pursuit was a winner in the Lakefly Writers Conference Writing Contest.
2015 NYR Write-A-Book Workshop student Sarah Busse's traditional collection of lyric poetry, titled We Are Traveling Through Dark at Tremendous Speeds, will be published by Lit Fest Press this fall!
2015 NYR Write-A-Book Workshop student Sarah Busse's chapbook, Do-It-Yourself Paper Airplanes, received an Honorable Mention in Five Oaks Press's spring chapbook contest.
Coaching client Eva Lomski has been awarded a Varuna Publisher Introduction Program Fellowship!
Coaching client E.A. Lawrence's short story, Valentine, has been accepted for Breath & Shadow Magazine's Summer 2015 edition!
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student Diane Altwies-Valentine's quirky sense of humor wins again! Her short story, Ransomed Cat, has been accepted for Front Range Review's Spring 2015 edition!
AllWriters' Founder and Director Kathie Giorgio's short story, Half-Dressed, published by Deep Water Literary Journal, has been nominated for the Write Well Award, sponsored by the Silver Pen Writers Association!
Coaching client Connie Chappell's novel, Wild Raspberries, is available for pre-order from Black Rose Writing!
March 2015
On-Site Monday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's poetry collection, Written Life, is now available from Electio Publishing.
A Tuesday woohoo! Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student Marsha Roberts' short story, "How You Won't Go Back," is now up on Sixfold!
Thursday Night Book-Writing Workshop student Kelly Risser's third novel, Always Remembered, was released for pre-order by Clean Teen Publishing.
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student Diane Altwies-Valentine's novel, Daring To Soar, has been accepted by Black Rose Writing!
Coaching client Lynne Carol Austin's illustrated children's book, Little Berry, has also been accepted by Black Rose!
AllWriters' Founder and Director Kathie Giorgio's short story, "Red Inside," has been accepted by Penumbra, a literary magazine.
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student Diane Altwies-Valentine's short story, "Interview with BB Wolf," has been accepted by Birds Piled Loosely!
February 2015
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student Kerry Crowley's book, Snoogers Rule, Mammoths Drool; Introducing The Amazing Mucus Phlegmball!, now has a release date! April 28!
On-Site Monday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's flash fiction "Tracked" will be published on!
Coaching client Eva Lomski has won second prize in the Margaret River Short Story competition!
Online Monday Night Fiction/NonFiction Workshop student and coaching client Alice Benson's short story, "Time's Up," has been accepted by So Glad Is My Heart ezine!
Online Monday Night Fiction/NonFiction Workshop student Carrie O'Connor's short story, "Childhood Visions," has been accepted by Barely South Review!
Coaching client Eva Lomski's short story collection made the shortlist in the Publisher Introduction Program 2015 contest!
January 2015
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student and New Year's Resolution Write-A-Book Workshop student Susan Martell Huebner's poem,"Autumn Shadows," has been accepted for the Wisconsin Poets' Calendar 2016!
Online Monday Night Fiction/Nonfiction Workshop student and coaching client Alice Benson's short story, "Born To Be Wild," has been accepted by Short Fiction Break!
Coaching client Debbie Allen Williams' second book, a middle grade reader titled Moon Trail, has been accepted by her publisher, Black Rose Writing!
AllWriters' Founder and Director Kathie Giorgio's poem, "Faith", has been accepted for the Wisconsin Poet's Calendar for 2016.
Monday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's piece, "Top Ten Most Annoying Phrases or Words of 2014," received an honorable mention in the Neutrons Protons magazine's Best Lists of 2014 contest!
On-Site Monday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr signed a contract with ELectio Publishing for the publication of his full-length poetry collection in the end of March, 2015!
December 2014
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student and coaching client Nanci Rathbun's short essay on motherhood, "Good Enough," has been accepted for Robyn Lane Press's mother's day anthology, Mommy Diarist!
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop and 2014 New Year's Resolution Write-A-Book Workshop student Susan Martell Huebner's poem, "Poet’s Ulysses Pact with the World," has been accepted by the Blue Heron Review!
Faculty member Summer Hanford's third novel, Throne of Wheylia," was released by Martin Sisters Publishing.
Faculty member Summer Hanford's short story, "Devil's Tail," appeared in Nightmare Stalkers and Dream Walkers Volume II.
Coaching client Eva Lomski has placed 1st in Glimmer Train's Very Short Fiction Award!
AllWriters' Founder and Director Kathie Giorgio's prose poem, "Phosphenes," has been accepted on its first time out by the Main Street Rag literary magazine.
On-Site Monday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's poem, "Written Life," has been accepted for publication in the Torrid Literature Journal Volume XIV due out in April, 2015.
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student Marsha Roberts' short story, "Hope You Won't Go Back," has been accepted for publication by Sixfold!
Coaching client Jody Ortiz, writing as J. Jaden, has received a publishing contract from Red Sage Publishing for her novel, My Knotty Jolene!
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers Workshop and 2014 New Year's Resolution Write-A-Book Workshop student Susan Martell Huebner's poem, "Peninsula Drift," has been accepted for inclusion in the anthology, Soundings: Door County in Poetry, to be published by the Door County Poetry Collective.
Coaching client Connie Chappell's novel, Wild Raspberries, has been accepted by Black Rose Writing!
November 2014
AllWriters' Founder and Director Kathie Giorgio's short story, "Breathe", has been accepted by Fiction International, for its theme issue on Fluid.
Monday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's short story, "The Year of Intended Pursuit," was accepted for publication on 11/16 on 101 Words.
Faculty member and Wednesday Night Workshop student Michael Giorgio's short story, "Happily Ever After," is up in 101 Words!
AllWriters' Founder and Director Kathie Giorgio's short story, "When The Fullness Of The Time Was Come," has been accepted by On The Rusk literary magazine.
AllWriters' Founder and Director Kathie Giorgio's third book, "Rise from the River," is available for pre-order from Main Street Rag Publishing Company!
Online Monday Night Fiction/Nonfiction Workshop student and coaching client Alice Benson's story, "Forever Yours", has been accepted by Shooter Literary Magazine, for publication in January!
AllWriters' faculty member Shaindel Beers is interviewed in the new 2015 Poets' Market, published by Writers Market!
October 2014
Faculty member and Wednesday Night Writing Workshop student, Michael Giorgio's short story, "The Call", was selected as one of the best of Vine Leaves Literary Journal 2014 and will appear in the print anthology!
AllWriters' faculty member, Summer Hanford, has been asked to be on a panel in the 2014 World Fantasy Convention!
Coaching client and online New Year's Resolution Write-A-Book Workshop student Pam Pfenninger's book, "Hard Play", written as PJ Rinehart, has won the 2014 Georgia Romance Writers Maggie Award for Unpublished Novel with Strong Romantic Elements!!
Monday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's interview in the "Why I Write" feature for Zest Literary Journal is up and online now!
Monday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's poem, "Written Life", has been accepted for publication in Torrid Literature Journal.
Online Monday Night Fiction/NonFiction Workshop student (and the artist of Kathie Giorgio's book covers) Christopher T. Werkman's novel, "Difficult Lies," has been accepted by Rogue Phoenix Press!
September 2014
AllWriters' Founder and Director Kathie Giorgio's poem, "Head," has been accepted by Cliterature literary journal for their theme issue on Desire.
Monday Night Workshop student Stacey Ball's short memoir, "Olive Fingers," has been accepted for an anthology on loss and grieving to be published by Hope Paige Designs!
AllWriters' Founder and Director Kathie Giorgio's short story, "To Rest," was accepted by Ginosko Literary Journal!
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student Diane Altwies-Valentine's short story, "Mr. Mack's Couplets," has been accepted by The Birds We Piled Loosely literary magazine!
August 2014
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers’ Workshop student, Diane Altwies-Valentine’s first novel, “Family Secrets,” has been released by Black Rose Writing!
Coaching client Nanci Rathbun's second book, the second in the Angelina Bonaparte series, “Cash Kills,” is available from Cozy Cat Press!
Coaching client Linda Benjamin taped the five of her flash memoir pieces for her new "Psychobabble" segment that will be appearing on Milwaukee NPR's WUWM 89.7 Lake Effect show!
Faculty member and Wednesday Night Writing Workshop student, Michael Giorgio's first novel, "Justice Comes Home," has been released Black Rose Writing!
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student Ilona Fridl's novel, Iris Rainbow, has been selected by Pinterest as an Outstanding New Release!
Coaching client Lee Stansfield’s second novel, “Mr. Tea & the Bobbin’ Body,” has been released by Cozy Cat Press!
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student Marsha Roberts' flash memoir, "Food of my Ancestors" has been accepted by Prompt Literary Magazine!
July 2014:
Thursday Night Book-Writing Workshop student Kelly Risser's second novel, Current Impressions, was released for pre-order by Clean Teen Publishing.
Student Jim Landwehr's short story, a Zombie Sasquatch flash fiction sequel, Phantom Camp II: Validation, is now available on the New Zombie Fiction Blog.
You can now see faculty member/Wednesday Night Workshop student Michael Giorgio's story, "The Call", here!
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers Workshop and New Year's Resolution Workshop student (and she was a coaching client too!) Susan Martell Huebner's poem, "Balloon Bouquet at Library Square", has been accepted by Broad for its late summer themed issue on mothers.
Student Jim Landwehr's short story, a Zombie Sasquatch flash fiction sequel, Phantom Camp II: Validation, was accepted for publishing next week on the New Zombie Fiction Blog.
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop and on-site New Year's Resolution Write-A-Book workshop student Susan Martell Huebner's poem, a sonnet, "Licensed to Kill," will be published in the summer issue of the WFOP Museletter!
AllWriters' Director Kathie Giorgio's guest blog post for Books By The Bed (We Wanted To Be Writers organization) will be included in a print collection of these blogs, Books By The Bed #2.
June 2014:
Tuesday Night Book-Writing Workshop student Rachel Japs' short story, "The King of the Golden Mountain," has been accepted by Horrified Press for their anthology, "Dark Fairytales Revisited: Volume II."
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student Kathrine Yets' poem, "Yikes: The First Shit I Heard", has been accepted by Aberration Labyrinth!
Online Monday Night Fiction/Nonfiction Workshop student and coaching client Alice Benson's short story, "Lavender Wishes," in Scrutiny!
AllWriters' Director/Founder Kathie Giorgio's short story, "Half-Dressed", has been accepted for publication in Deep Water Literary Journal.
Coaching client Nanci Rathbun has signed her contract for the publication of her second book, the second in the Angelina Bonaparte series, "Cash Kills," with Cozy Cat Press!
AllWriters' faculty member and Wednesday Night Writing Workshop student Michael Giorgio's short story, "The Call," has been accepted by the Vine Leaves Literary Journal!
Student Jim Landwehr's nonfiction piece, "Closet Pyromaniac," was accepted for publishing in the "House/Home" Anthology by Main Street Rag Publishing Company.
Student Jim Landwehr's nonfiction piece, "Slap Tales: The Allure of a Lure", was accepted for publication in Midwest Outdoors Magazine & Television.
AllWriters' Director Kathie Giorgio's essay, "Fish In The News," which describes how her short story, "Petit Poissons", came to be, now appears in The Looking Glass, a part of Glassworks Literary Magazine's website.
May 2014:
AllWriters' student Kerry Crowley's first novel, "Snoogers Rule, Mammoths Drool; The Adventures of the Amazing Mucus Phlegmball," was accepted by Muse!
Coaching client Lynne Carol Austin's short story, "Just Under The Surface," has been accepted for publication in the Main Street Rag literary magazine!
Online Monday Night Fiction/NonFiction Workshop student and coaching client Alice Benson's short story, "Lavender Wishes," has been accepted Scrutiny Journal!
AllWriters' Director Kathie Giorgio's short story, "Sleight Of," has been accepted for Main Street Rag Publishing Company's anthology, "Crossing Lines"!
Editing client Chris Cummings' short story, "The Driver," has been accepted for Main Street Rag Publishing Company's anthology, "Cars"!
On-Site Monday Night Workshop student Sandy Goldsworthy has sold her first novel, "Aftermath", to Clean Teen Publishing!
AllWriters' Director Kathie Giorgio's story, "Petit Poissons," appears now as the lead story in Glassworks, Issue 8, available online and in print. An essay on the creation of "Petit Poissons" will appear on the site within a month.
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student and Wednesday Night Workshop student Kathrine Yets poem, "Month of Masks," will appear in the summer issue of River & South Review, and her poems, "Jaimie's Green Pacific" and "Skinny Dipping in Ottowa," will appear in Straylight Online!
April 2014:
Wednesday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's creative nonfiction piece, "Fat Cat," is now up on Neutrons Protons!
Wednesday Afternoon Workshop student Jim Landwehr's short memoir, "Fat Cat", has been accepted by Neutrons Protons. "Fat Cat" should be online after May 1st.
Wednesday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's poem, "Shoe Shepherd," was accepted for publishing in Parody Magazine!
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student Ilona Fridl's FIFTH book, "Iris Rainbow," will be released by Wild Rose Press this July!
Faculty member and Wednesday Night Writing Workshop student, Michael Giorgio's first novel, "Justice Comes Home," has been accepted by Black Rose Writing!
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student, Diane Altwies-Valentine's first novel, "Family Secrets," has been accepted by Black Rose Writing!
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student and New Year's Resolution Write-A-Book Workshop student Susan Martell Huebner's two poems, "Archived" and "November's Last Call", have been accepted for inclusion in the anthology, Tic Toc, by Kind Of A Hurricane Press!
Tuesday Night Book-Writing student Rachel Jap's short story, "Glass Queen", is appearing on AnotheRealm!
March 2014:
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student Diane Altwies-Valentine's short story, "The Birthday Wish," has been accepted by The Shine Journal!
Wednesday Night Workshop student Jim Landwehr's poem, "House Homicide", has been accepted for publishing in a future post on Little Eagle's RE/Verse, an online poetry forum featuring works that have been previously published.
Director Kathie Giorgio has had five haiku, On The Side Of The Road, Maine Coast Evening, Beagles Pee In Winter, The Haiku Where The Writer Says, and Devil, accepted by Chuffed Buff Books, a UK publisher, for their first all-haiku issue, Kigo: Seasonal Words.
Online Monday Night Fiction/NonFiction Workshop student Carrie O'Connor's short story, "Litany for a Mother Making Kugel," has been accepted by Stirring Fiction!
Online Monday Night Fiction/NonFiction Workshop student Carrie O'Connor's short story, "My Body, Given For You," is appearing now in Newfound Literary Journal!
AllWriters' faculty member Summer Hanford's short story 'Devil's Tail' has been accepted for Horrified Press's upcoming anthology, entitled Nightmare Stalkers & Dream Walkers Volume #2.
Coaching client Debbie Allen Williams' novel, "The Swinging Door," has been accepted by Blackrose Press!
Online Monday Night Fiction/NonFiction Workshop student Christopher Werkman's short story, "Game Piece", is appearing on Infective Ink ezine!
On-Site New Year's Resolution Write-A-Book Workshop student Beth Haley Wernick's poem, "Little Hands Wash Away," appears in the latest issue of Thema!
Online Monday Night Fiction/NonFiction Workshop student Carrie O'Connor's essay, "Divining Journey", in now available in Ms. Magazine.
Online Monday Night Fiction/NonFiction Workshop student Carrie O'Connor's essay, "Divining Journey", has been accepted by Ms. Magazine for their online blog! Of note: This was the essay's first submission, and it was accepted in two hours!
Wednesday Night Writing Workshop and Thursday Night Book-Writing Workshop student Jim Landwehr's poems, "Not So Major Tom" and "Mail Order Bride", have been accepted for publication on Your Daily Poem. Look for them on June 28th and February 1st.
Online Monday Night Fiction/NonFiction Workshop student Christopher Werkman's short story, "Game Piece," has been accepted by Infective Ink for their themed issue on What Happens After Death! It will appear in March!
February 2014:
On-Site Tuesday Night Book-Writing Workshop Deb Tetzlaff will be in the cast of Madison's 5th annual Listen To Your Mother Show on May 11th at the Barrymore Theatre at 3pm. Listen To Your Mother is a series of live staged readings, original to the performers, in 32 cities in celebration of Mother's Day. The Milwaukee show will be April 27th at Alverno's Wehr Theatre. Ten percent of each show's ticket sales benefit a local charity. All past performances are uploaded to the LTYM youtube channel. For more information, see
Wednesday Night Writing Workshop and Thursday Night Book-Writing Workshop student Jim Landwehr's poem, "Walk of Life," has been accepted by The Gambler literary magazine.
Coaching client Lee Stansfield's novel, "Mr. Tea & the Bobbin' Body," has been accepted by Cozy Cat Press! When Lee sold the first book, "Mr. Tea & The Traveling Teacup" to Cozy Cat, she was surprised and delighted when the editor suggested she make it into a series...if the second book was good enough. It was! The series will be called The Madeline's Teahouse Mysteries.
Wednesday Night Workshop and Thursday Night Book-Writing Workshop student Jim Landwehr has been inducted into the Torrid Literature Journal Hall of Fame for his poems published there in 2013. The inductees were selected based on voting in each of four categories.
Seattle coaching client Jacinda DeRoy's novel-in-progress, Finding Hopewood Lane, placed first in the Chanticleer Book Reviews & Media's Winter 2014 Great Beginnings contest, in the Somerset Division.
Thursday Night Book-Writing Workshop student Kelly Risser's novel, Never Forgotten, was accepted by Clean Teen Publishing.
Online Monday Night Fiction/Nonfiction Workshop student Carrie O'Connor's short story, My Body, Given for You, was accepted by Newfound Journal.
January 2014:
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student Marsha Roberts's short memoir, Death of a Practice, appeared in The Voices Project!
Wednesday Night Writing Workshop and Thursday Night Book-Writing Workshop student Jim Landwehr's short story, Zombie Sasquatch, was accepted by the Free Zombie Fiction Blog.
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student Susan Huebner's poem, Invitation, was accepted into the Wisconsin Fellowship of Poets Wisconsin Poets' Calendar.
Tuesday Night Book-Writing Workshop student Deb Tetzlaff competed as one of ten finalists in The Moth GrandSLAM.
Wednesday Night Writing Workshop and Thursday Night Book-Writing Workshop student Jim Landwehr's book-length memoir, Dirty Shirt, was accepted by eLectio Publishing.
Tuesday Night Book-Writing Workshop student Rachel Japs's short story, Glass Queen, was accepted by Another Realm.
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop and New Year's Resolution to Write A Book Workshop student Johannah Siragusa's creative nonfiction piece, When We Ruled the World, was published in issue 9 of Vine Leaves Literary Journal.
Wednesday Afternoon Women Writers' Workshop student Ilona Fridl's FOURTH book, "Prime Catch," was released this past October by Wild Rose Press!