All-In-One Editing

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If you are already actively trying to market your work, then you are aware that the majority of agents, book editors and magazine editors are now strongly suggesting that you have your manuscripts professionally edited before submission.  Not only that, but you’re likely seeing phrases like copy-editing, content-editing, this-editing, that-editing. And with each type of editing, you are seeing yet another pricetag and round after round of your book being read.

Well, guess what. At AllWriters’, we do all of it all at once. For one price.

When you come to AllWriters’ for editing, the instructor will go through your manuscript, cleaning up any grammar and punctuation errors, deep-reading your content, and making suggestions as to where the piece could be improved. We give a breakdown chapter by chapter, and then an overall look at the book as well. The instructor will also tell you, flat-out, if he or she believes the piece is ready for submission.

If you are brand new to AllWriters’, editing comes with a fee of $50/hour.  If you’ve been an AllWriters’ student, then it’s $40 an hour. To give you some figuring power, it typically takes about an hour to get through a fifteen-page manuscript, set up with Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spaced, with one-inch margins. This varies, of course, with the quality of the work.

So stop paying more than you have to and waiting for longer than necessary. We can get the job done in one fell swoop. Bam.

To request more information, please contact Kathie Giorgio at or use our Contact Form.